Burn Permit
Call 517-423-7811
There had been a feeling among the residents of Holloway for sometime that there should be some type of fire protection provided. This feeling intensified when the Hedrick's house in which the Bryant's were living was destroyed by fire in February of 1950.
Allen Blouch, who after talking with several men of the community, called a general meeting that was held on March 8, 1950 in Blouch's store, took the initiative for the organization of a volunteer fire department. It was a unanimous decision that a department be established and financed by a donation of $25 from each member of the department and that a solicitation be made through the township.
With this as the beginning, the following officers we elected: Don Mitchell, President; Allen Blouch, Vice-President; Don Jacqua, Secretary and Treasurer. Under the leadership of these men, the Raisin Township Fire Department became a reality. A Chevrolet truck was purchased with Lawrence Kopke and Earl Bennington in charge, a tanker truck capable of carrying 600 gallons of water, and a mounted pump were built However, before the tanker was completed, it was the opinion of the department that the Township should help furnish fire protection. With this in mind, a petition was circulated for a special election on the the subject. On May 23, 1950, the Township Board was authorized to build a fire barn and to furnish the department with a truck.
On May 29, 1950 the Township Board ordered a fire truck from Mr. Barton of the American Fire Apparatus Co. of Battle Creek. The truck was a F-7 Ford, Marine type, two stage pump and tank truck capable of carrying 500 gallons of water. The truck was delivered on November 18, 1950, but the building was not completed so it was stored in the Butler's garage in Tecumseh for a period of about three weeks.
A lot was purchased from the John Youngs by the Township and the construction of the building began. Since the building contract was just a verbal agreement, the contractor failed to finish the fire barn. The men of the fire department gave many hours so that the fire station could be completed. It was estimated that two-thirds of the work was done by the firefighters.
The first run out of the Raisin Township Fire Department was made when the Sutton School caught fire in the winter of 1951.
Robert Cassie - Firefighter/Paramedic
Ryan Hannah - Firefighter
Mathieu Maslak - Firefighter
Andy Lamoreaux - FF/Paramedic
Nick Reppert - Firefighter
Phil Walker - FF/EMT
Jake Warner - Paramedic
Application for Employment (pdf)
Download2020 Spencer pumper-tanker
Spartan chasis with 6 man cab
Hale 2000 gpm pump
2500 gallon tank
30 gallon foam cell
2013 Rosenbauer
Cummings 9.0 liter turbo engine
6 man custom cab
Hale 1750 gpm pump
1000 gallon tank
Foam Pro foam system
Lima 7
2006 Sterling Ambulance
Licensed Limited - Advance Life Support
Grass 6
2006 Ford F-350 4x4
200 Gallons of water
5 Gallons of foam
200 Gallons of foam
2002 Freightliner
Mercedes Benz 410 Diesel engine
3500 Gallon water tank
30 Gallon foam tank
Hale Pump
Raisin Charter Township
5525 South Occidental Highway, Tecumseh, Michigan 49286, United States