Contact: Shelly Delong- Lenawee County Equalization
517-264-4522 /
Lenawee County Equalization
Responsible for overall direction and management of Township’s property appraisal program. Oversees identifying, inventorying, determining market values and calculating assessed valuation for all Township properties in accordance with the State Tax Commission regulations, methods and procedures to ensure fair and equitable assessments. Maintains accurate Homestead and property transfer information in compliance with applicable State laws.
What is a Principal Residence Exemption (PRE)?
A Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) exempts a residence from the tax levied by a local school district for school operating purposes up to 18 mills. Section 211.7cc and 211.7dd of the General Property Tax Act, Public Act 206 of 1893, as amended, addresses PRE claims. To qualify for a PRE, a person must be a Michigan resident who owns and occupies the property as a principal residence. The PRE is a separate program from the Homestead Property Tax Credit, which is filed annually with your Michigan Individual Income Tax Return
PRE Guidelines (pdf)
DownloadPRE Affidavit - Form 2368 Rev 07-22 (pdf)
DownloadProperty Transfer Form 2766 (pdf)
DownloadRescind PRE Application (pdf)
DownloadQualified Agricultural Info (pdf)
Download2021 Summer Tax Deferment Application (pdf)
DownloadLocate specific parcel information by clicking the button below:
Raisin Charter Township
5525 South Occidental Highway, Tecumseh, Michigan 49286, United States